Have you ever needed someone to explain the details of something like Medicare, health insurance polices, or just your member benefits overall? We can help. Our Benefit Representatives are on call to help A+PEL members with any questions they have on their new member benefits. You can schedule a free, no obligation review by calling 800.258.7041 or by clicking the button below.
Who is Association Member Benefits Advisors (AMBA)?
AMBA is proud to be the new benefits provider for the Associated Professional Educators of Louisiana (A+PEL). AMBA is a full-service agency focused on plan design, negotiations, and implementation of benefits for education associations. We negotiate with various providers to assist our clients in obtaining quality benefits with flexible options for their members. AMBA helps associations give their members access to highly sought after supplemental insurance benefits and many merchant discounts. We will be making many benefits available to A+PEL members that will add value and strength to its membership.
AMBA has a proud history of providing benefits for Louisiana associations. Our dedication to Louisiana associations is what has led us to our new relationship with A+PEL. We look forward to serving A+PEL and all of its members.